Whether you’re exploring the Christian faith or you’ve been a Christian for a while, we hope you will come and visit us at St.Peter’s!
St. Peter’s is a diverse community of faith, hope and love in the heart of the city, committed to live by faith, to be known by love, and to be a voice of hope. We take seriously the preaching of God’s Word, the ministry of the Holy Spirit and demonstrating God’s love for the community. We seek to help all to come to faith in Jesus Christ: to be welcoming and loving to all; to equip people to be confident in sharing their faith and clear about God’s call on their lives; to serve one another and our community; and to involve everyone in ministry. This is the vision we aspire to and by God’s grace we are moving forward together on this journey! We hope that you will find St. Peter’s to be a church where you can be fully the person God calls you to be.
Please come and see us, and whether you want to consider making St. Peter’s your church or you simply want to visit, we assure you of a very warm welcome.
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