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I’ll work closely with you to design and produce your perfect wedding dress.  None of my designs are fixed so if you’d like to add some of your own ideas or design your own dr

 dresses Welcome to The White Wedding Lounge Nottingham’s premier boutique bridal shop. Established in 2014 we house everything from bridal dresses, bridesmaid dresses, mother

Founded in 2011, Haarlem Bridal was established from the mind of designer Astra Slater owner and director of Timeless Couture, a multi award-winning couture bridal company. Whilst favoured by many a

Welcome to the BRIDAL BOUTIQUE Derbyshire Bridal Boutique is the bridal company that dresses brides with the greatest of attention, love and care! For a truly magical experience desi

Find the perfect dress for your special day at Team Bride Derbyshire, no matter your budget. Our range of top designer dresses is priced at up to 75% off the recommended retail price. We believe

About K & B First Choice has an extensive selection of high quality products to offer ranging from saree’s, evening wear to distinctive bridal wear. Products Bridal wear, Jewellery,

For all your bridal needs from top to toe…   Opening Times  Monday – Pre-arranged bridal appointments only Tuesday – Pre-arranged bridal appointments only Wedn

Tips & Advice Planning your trip…Check our opening hours but don’t worry about booking an appointment, as we don’t operate an appointment system. We believe you should be able to shop

ABOUT US At Tiffany Jordan, we never sell you a wedding dress, as we’re simply here to help your wedding dress find you! Serving Derbyshire, Burton-on-Trent, Nottingham, and clients in a 50-m

About Our Bridal Shop in Nottingham At WED2B Nottingham, we want to make sure that each bride who visits us has the best possible experience while looking for her perfect dress. We have hundreds of

Now in our 14th year, Beautiul Brides in Nottingham is one of the longest established and most sought after bridal boutiques in the East Midlands. We offer a relaxed and luxurious haven where you will

BRIDAL DRESSES NOTTINGHAM & DERBY House of Oliver is a bridal shopbased in Ilkeston near to Derby and Nottingham. We are award winning specialists in high-quality bridal wear w

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