Our Mission: To be a caring community to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ; sharing in the love of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit; and to love our neighbour, having the Eucharist at the centre of our worship. The Church of St John the Evangelist was the first Church to be built in Derby after the Reformation and was consecrated on 19 August 1828. It was originally designated as a Chapel of Ease to St Werburgh’s and it became a Parish Church with a separate Parish in 1847. The first incumbent from 1828 to 1847 was The Rev’d. Philip Gell, a ...
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We have lovely buildings in which to be married and look forward to welcoming you. Please contact us through our contact page with your details. Once you have made contact and told us about yourselves and what you are seeking we will invite you to a Marriage Preparation Event. This is a Saturday session with other wedding couples, including a light lunch, where you will learn more about what is involved in getting married and to help you arrange your service. There is a statutory fee for weddings. These can be found at https://www.yourchurchwedding.org/ plus other optional local costs for verger, heating and organist. ...
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