Isobel The Florist

Wedding Flowers


Wedding flowers especially for you

At Isobel the Florist we are familiar with a vast amount of different venues… places of worship, marquees, churches, hotels and gardens…even boats. We are happy to give you a price guide and ideas for flowers, however large or low key the occasion. 

Our team are just as happy to create traditional, contemporary, vintage or totally unique designs…  just for you.

We appreciate how difficult… as well as exciting it can be, to plan and budget for your wedding. For this reason we prefer to meet you in person to discuss your Wedding Flowers.

However we have conducted long distance wedding arrangements very successfully using email, facebook etc.  We treat all the weddings we are involved with as individual and dont have any “set price packages” We can also arrange to deliverto you and set up your flowers at a venue on the day.

Please contact us to make a “no obligations” appointment and discuss your wedding flower ideas.  

Once we know the colours, flowers, foliages, accessories and design styles you require, we can discuss lots of ideas, choices and give you more accurate prices.


If you decide to book your wedding flowers with Isobel the Florist we require a deposit of approx 10% to save the date….This is not refundable but will be deducted from the final balance.

Please contact us, or see our vast photo album on FACEBOOK if you would like to see more.

Make an appointment to discuss your wedding flowers and ideas with our experienced, friendly and professional florists. We look forward to meeting you.